Oregon Wildblog

Reinventing NEPA?

By Pam Hardy, Central Oregon Field Coordinator

The Forest Service has come up with a new idea on how to do NEPA.  It’s got me worried.  At its best it would mean streamlining environmental review, and getting projects we like on the ground faster.  At worst, it cuts out public involvement, makes adaptation to new science almost impossible, and sends proceeds that could be used for restoration and jobs out of the area.

A Fragile Recovery for Oregon's Wolves

by Stephanie Taylor, Wildlife Intern

Oregon's Wolf Management Plan is entering Phase II. What does this mean for the return of these native hunters?

A New Year for Oregon's Wolves

A look at the year that was – and will be – for wolf recovery and wildlife conservation in Oregon.

Sea Otters Are Coming Home to Oregon!

By Eleanor Solomon, Oregon Wild Intern

Sea otters are adorable animals. With their thick fur and tiny round eyes, almost no one can resist their charm. But besides their cuteness, why are they important?

Senator Wyden, Resolve to Protect Oregon's Treasures!

Let’s make Senator Ron Wyden’s New Year’s resolution a good one: protect Oregon’s natural treasures!

Sen. Wyden has scheduled Willamette Valley town hall meetings in early January to answer questions and receive feedback from Oregonians (click here to find information on the town hall nearest you). With the most anti-environmental Congress in history waiting to be sworn in, there is no more important time to tell your Senator to stand up for Oregon’s wildlands, wildlife, and waters!

Meet the Mazama Newt

By Taylor Rudow, Oregon Wild intern

Next time you find yourself in the basin of Crater Lake, take a few moments to examine the underside of the rocks and driftwood found along the shoreline. With luck, you will unearth a rare specimen: the Mazama Newt.