Oregon Wildblog

A New Year for Oregon's Wolves

A look at the year that was – and will be – for wolf recovery and wildlife conservation in Oregon.

Sea Otters Are Coming Home to Oregon!

By Eleanor Solomon, Oregon Wild Intern

Sea otters are adorable animals. With their thick fur and tiny round eyes, almost no one can resist their charm. But besides their cuteness, why are they important?

Senator Wyden, Resolve to Protect Oregon's Treasures!

Let’s make Senator Ron Wyden’s New Year’s resolution a good one: protect Oregon’s natural treasures!

Sen. Wyden has scheduled Willamette Valley town hall meetings in early January to answer questions and receive feedback from Oregonians (click here to find information on the town hall nearest you). With the most anti-environmental Congress in history waiting to be sworn in, there is no more important time to tell your Senator to stand up for Oregon’s wildlands, wildlife, and waters!

Meet the Mazama Newt

By Taylor Rudow, Oregon Wild intern

Next time you find yourself in the basin of Crater Lake, take a few moments to examine the underside of the rocks and driftwood found along the shoreline. With luck, you will unearth a rare specimen: the Mazama Newt. 

Roosevelt Elk: A Struggle For Survival

By Taylor Rudow, Oregon Wild intern

Nothing can prepare you for the first time you see Roosevelt Elk in the wild. As the largest variety of elk in North America, they tower above you. Mature bulls with full antlers included can easily exceed ten feet in height and length. While they are a force to be reckoned with, you cannot help but to stop and appreciate their majesty. 

The Elliott is Not For Sale

Thanks to pressure from Oregon Wild members and other conservation activists, The Department of State Lands (DSL) appears to be taking a plan for privatization of the Elliot State Forest off the table! While the most egregious proposal may no longer be under consideration, the Elliott’s vulnerable old growth trees, wild salmon runs, and threatened wildlife need your help.

Good on Hood

Oregon’s most iconic mountain and widely used Wilderness got some great news this last month!

You may recall hearing from us earlier this year that the Forest Service was proposing to log over the Vista Ridge trailhead. Not only did this plan endanger an area that is proposed Wilderness, but Vista Ridge is arguably the most scenic alpine trail on Mount Hood – especially when the wildflowers bloom in mid-August.

Threatened: Get to know the Pacific Fisher

By Taylor Rudow, Oregon Wild intern

The Pacific Fisher is one of the rarest animals that inhabit the backcountry around Crater Lake. While the name immediately calls to mind a tall white bird gracefully slicing through the water to capture mackerel in its long orange beak, the real Pacific Fisher could not be more different.