Oregon Wildblog

Rendezvous Reflections in Rhyme!

As it has been for most of history, Oregon is once again wolf country. Even so, they and other native hunters are seen by many as novel or – worse – as dangerous forces lurking on the edge of sanitized civilization.

The first ever Wolf Rendezvous poem thanks to Linda Farmer of Eugene:

The Bear Essentials

By Teresa Connolly

Got everything you need for your next hike or camping trip? Well how about your bear safety precautions? Whether you are new outdoor enthusiast or a well-seasoned veteran, take a moment to refresh your memory on the steps you should be taking to avoid an encounter with a bear.

Throwback Thursday: Hells Canyon

By Teresa Connolly

An entire Wild Oregon newsletter dedicated to one area must indicate a noteworthy place. And as the deepest river gorge in North America, Hells Canyon is definitely worth writing about. 

Meet Our Wilderness Outreach Intern Lisa

By Lisa DiNicolantonio

Hello! My name is Lisa and I am the Wilderness Outreach Intern at the Oregon Wild Portland office. In the fall, I will be heading into my final year at the University of California, Davis studying Environmental Science and Management with an emphasis in Natural Resource Management. When I’m not busy advocating for or conserving wilderness, I can be found exploring the many beautiful aspects of nature, with an emphasis on Oregon this summer as I learn more about this state that is practically new to me.